Friday, July 28, 2006

Dear Lord please get rid of this doping issue

As I go to sleep tonight please let this whole doping inquiry end quickly. I do not think I am strong enough to go through another Tyler 'I'm gonna appeal' Hamilton episode. Floyd's B-sample is supposed to be tested by Monday. Oh I hope it is done on time and it comes back negative. Not because I think Floyd is not guilty (I do not think one way or the other) but because I do not want to see article after article about Floyd's fight with the UCI, WADA, and the USADA. I just want to see the big boys ride at the big races.

Don't try and tell me that big boys who cheat should not be at the races. They got rid of the 'cheating' big boys for the Tour of France and....hey...what do you know there still seem to be problems of people doping. What I want is for God himself to come down and put his fear into any one who dopes, that seems to be the only way to get rid of the problem.

Here is a surprise. Dick Pound was criticising the UCI. Well done Dick! Please explain to me how the head of the World Anti-Doping Agency has the cojones to get up on stage and throw mud at the UCI about doping. I am pretty sure the UCI does everything it can to catch the dopers, they use all of the tests that you provide, you know, the ones that don't work. Dick you need to get rid of that law degree and hit the lab, maybe pick up a chemistry degree along the way. Once you develop a useful test, pass it on to the UCI and then if they do not use it...well then you can start lipping off.


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